Stocks & ETFs Sustainability Data API

Welcome to the money:care API!
This service provides access to detailed fund, company, and impact calculation data, enabling easy integration with applications focused on investment and sustainability. This guide will assist you with the initial setup and provide detailed descriptions of each available endpoint.

Explore Our DataCopied!

  • Browse data on the money:care website here.

  • Learn about our impact measurement methodologies here.

Markets and ProvidersCopied!

We currently cover the following markets and ETF providers:

  • United States: S&P 500, NASDAQ 100, Dow Jones

  • Europe: STOXX Europe 50, S&P Europe 350

  • Germany: DAX, TecDAX, MDAX, SDAX

  • Rest of Europe: CAC 40 (France), ATX (Austria), SMI (Switzerland), OMX Nordic 40 (Sweden, Denmark, Finland)

  • Fund Providers: iShares, Amundi, Xtrackers, Invesco, UBS

More markets and providers will be added soon!

Base URLCopied!

The base URL for all requests to the API:


To use the API, you need an API Key. Include this key in the request header as follows:


If you don't already have an API key, contact us at

Accept-Language HeaderCopied!

Set the preferred response language with the Accept-Language header using ISO 639-1 codes, for example, en_US or de_AT. The default language is de_AT if not specified or if the provided language is unsupported.

Available EndpointsCopied!

The money:care API provides the following endpoints:

  • /api/public/fund/v1 - Retrieve a list of all funds covered with sustainability data.

  • /api/public/fund/v1/{id} - Access sustainability data of a fund by id.

  • /api/public/fund/v1/isin/{isin} - Access sustainability data of a fund by ISIN.

  • /api/public/company/v1 - Retrieve a list of all companies covered with sustainability data.

  • /api/public/company/v1/{id} - Access company sustainability data by id.

  • /api/public/company/v1/isin/ - Access company sustainability data by ISIN.

  • /api/public/impact-calculation/v1 - Calculates the impact score for the given group of companies.